Hello Everyone! Welcome to the BYU 89th Ward Emergency Prepardness Blog!
The hopes for this blog is that it will keep you in the "know" for any kind of emergency we might encounter. So, since it's the very first blog, we are going to start with the basics.
- Make sure the 72 hour kits you made over the summer are all still up to date. Nothing expired, plenty of everything, good to go
Below are the basics to some of the most common emergencies:
In case of a fire/flood in your house:
Fire extinguishers – how to use, where they are
How to turn off gas/water to your house
Exits if there is a fire
Emergency #s for landlord, police, fire, poison, etc.
How to test a smoke alarm
How to deal with a grease fire
How to prevent leaks, burst pipes, mold, etc.
Tools for basic repairs
Car emergencies:
How to change a tire
What to do in an accident
Supplies: water, food, blankets, etc. in the winter
Emergency #s (in case you don’t have your cell phone)
Having a map on hand
Larger emergencies:
Having cash on hand for sudden expenses – what if you couldn’t get cash from an ATM?
Sufficient water/food/essentials (medicine, hygiene, first aid)
Emergency #s stored in another place besides in your cell phone (in case you can’t use your cell)
How to deal with dangerous situations: fire, flood, downed power lines, heat, cold, etc.
Having as much in savings as possible to deal with unexpected expenses
Having essential records on hand: birth certificate, social security card, passport (if needed), medical records. How to store/use them.
If you don't know something from above, find out! Ask around, ask your home teachers, visiting teachers, we need to be prepared! And the only way to be prepared is if we help each other!
So, the first assignment for this week is... to do the Above!
***if you need help with anything or have any questions concerning Emergency Prepardness please email us at 89themergencyprepardness@gmail.com
Check in Weekly for updates, tips, hints, and assignments for being Prepared for an Emergency!